The regulation of Building, Land Use & Development Permits within the city of Ferndale are governed under State Law, by the City’s General Plan, the City’s Zoning Ordinance, the City’s Subdivision Ordinance, the City’s CEQA Guidelines, the adopted Uniform Building Code and all other current and applicable City Ordinances, Codes, regulations and policies.

The Fees for the review and processing of the Building and Land Use and Development Permits, and the associated CEQA documents are adopted by the City Council of the City of Ferndale, as provided for and allowed by State Law and are specifically established under the current FEES & FINES Resolution for Land Use & Development Permits, for other approvals under Resolutions 605 for CEQA processing, and under the Uniform Building Code for Building Permits. The City Council of Ferndale, to cover the City’s costs, may amend the above-noted fees, at any time.

The applications provide general information about the process and procedures that the City of Ferndale has adopted. Click on any of the following to read and/or print the permit process and the application form.