Kristene Hall
City Clerk’s Office
Located at City Hall: 834 Main St., Ferndale, CA 95536
The mailing address is: P.O. Box 1095, Ferndale, CA 95536
Telephone – (707) 786-4224 • Fax – (707) 786-9314
The City Clerk’s office maintains the official records of the City and works with the City Manager to ensure the needs of the city are addressed.
The City Clerk is responsible for the following tasks:
- Maintaining and protecting all vital, permanent and historic records of the City
- Preparing agendas and supporting material for the City Council, Planning Commission, Design Review and other sub-committees
- Preparing minutes
- Issuing resolutions and preparing ordinances for publication and codification
- Administering oaths of office
- Prepares Public Notices and ensure proper publications
- Election Official for the city
- Serving as the filing officer for all campaign and conflict of interest disclosure statements as required by the Political Reform Act
- Distributing all correspondence to City Officials
- Business Licenses
- Dog Licenses
- Building & Planning Permits