Shirley’s Pocket Park is located at the corner of Francis Street and Fireman’s Park entrance along Francis Creek. To get there, take the Francis Creek Bridge from Francis Street across to Fireman’s Park. Shirley’s Pocket Park is on the left side of the bridge. It features all native California plants and is maintained by local native plant expert Michael Stuart and members of the Ferndale Garden Club.
Shirley’s Pocket Park is named for Shirley Walker, who was President of the Ferndale Garden Club from 1987 to 1992. She was the District Director of the Humboldt District from 1984 to 1988 and 1993 to 1995 in which role she was many times a delegate to California Garden Clubs, Inc. conventions and board meetings, an official gardening consultant and floral design judge as well as a tireless advocate for maintaining the civic beauty of Ferndale. The native plant park was dedicated in her honor in 2012. The bench was added in 2016 and the bridge was an added feature in 2017.
One of Shirley’s other local municipal gardens is the Blue Star Memorial Marker garden outside the Veteran’s Hall, 1100 Main Street. She and other ladies of the Ferndale Garden Club are pictured at the 1994 dedication of the Blue Star Marker garden. Blue Star markers commemorate our armed services and are found on byways across the United States.